Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Bryoni-Kate and Faye... sexy babes in colorful tights !!!

 This morning's update features the incredible 2009 duo shoot starring Bryoni-Kate Williams and Faye.  This duo shoot was quite honestly the first "Modern" OnlyTease duo shoot that really set the template for future girl-girl sets.  Ever since this duo shoot occured back in late 2009, regular duo shoots have been featured almost monthly ever since.

 BK and Faye did a variety of great outfits in their pairing.  They also really seemed to have fun together, and they did lots of "adventurous" sets, such as this one.  Their interaction and inter-personality is absolutely tremendous.

 The colorful opaque tights and matching white panties in this set are also amazing.  This set is really one of the landmark sets of OnlyTease